Denver’s Restoration Professionals

Mold Mitigation Denver Tips

Brothers Restoration, Denver Colorado

Under the right environmental circumstances, dangerous mold growth and contamination can occur in your home or business in as little as 48 hours. Mold can release dangerous mycotoxins into the air and when inhaled, can cause serious adverse health reactions. Elderly individuals, young children, and people with weakened immune systems due to prior illness or surgery are at the most risk. Please review our Do’s and Don’ts of dealing with mold in your property.

What to Do:

  • Seal off any areas where you see mold or mold damage occurring. We recommend purchasing a N-95 rated respirator from a local hardware or home improvement store to be worn when entering any area with mold damage.
  • If accessible, seal off any HVAC vents in mold damaged areas of the property.
  • Any new or worsening health issues should be reported to your primary care physician immediately.
  • Disinfect any horizontal areas prone to human contact in the property such as kitchen counters, meal prep areas, bathroom sinks, etc. Stay out of the mold damaged area until help arrives.

What not to do:

  • Do not apply liquids such as bleach or other common household cleaners to mold damaged surfaces. This can actually make matters worse.
  • Do not rent or install air movers/fans for the use of blowing onto mold damaged materials.
  • Do not remove drywall, paint, tile, or ceiling materials affected by mold damage. Doing so can release harmful materials such as asbestos and lead into the air that is harmful when inhaled.
  • Please do not wait to call a mold remediation company. Mold damage can and will make a property uninhabitable if left untreated for too long. This is not something you can wait on.

As you can see, mold damage and mold remediation is best left to the professionals. It takes special training and equipment to safely remove mold and mold damaged materials. Call the professionals at Brothers Restoration today, or use our new project submission form to submit your information.

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